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Institutional Members

Membership of the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) is open to not-for-profit entities to include but not be limited to government agencies and regulators, and national valuation standard setters.

Applicants should provide details of their legal structure and, where appropriate, place of registration, together with a brief description of the entity’s field of activity, and in particular, activities in fields related to valuation. The application must be accompanied by a statement explaining the motivation for the application.

Benefits of the membership


Membership is open to entities that:

  1. Promote the consistent application of high quality valuation practices worldwide, including the use of International Valuation Standards (IVS)
  2. Support convergence of national valuation standards with IVS
  3. Demonstrate financial and operational viability to continue to meet the obligations of membership including the payment of IVSC member dues
  4. Agree to meet the IVSC’s membership obligations.

Please read the Rights and Responsibilities of IVSC Membership before making your application.

Membership fees (from April 2024):

Institutional membership is based on World Bank income classification, according to the following:

(includes inflationary increase on prior year fees)

 Low Income Lower middle income Upper middle income High income
 GBP £995  GBP £2,460 GBP £4,920 GBP £9.830

Online application

Membership in IVSC requires a commitment to promote and where possible adopt the International Valuation Standards (IVS). Please answer the following questions:
Candidates for IVSC membership must demonstrate that they have the financial strength to support their IVSC membership as well their own internal operations.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 6 GB.
    IVSC membership candidates must provide evidence of their operating structure. Please provide the following documentation. If submitted in the local language, please provide a brief English-language summary/description of the documentation.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 6 GB.
      Please tick the box below if your organisation would like to be marketed as an IVSC Asia participant. This will incur an additional 10% membership fee.
      We hereby apply for Membership of the International Valuation Standards Council and agree to meet the IVSC membership obligations, as laid out in the Appendix.
      DD slash MM slash YYYY

      There are more than 200 member organisations
      of the IVSC, operating in 137 countries worldwide. Join them.

      Become part of a global network working to enhance valuation standards and professionalism.