IVS Agenda Consultation 2020
Further to the publication of IVS (effective 31 January 2020) the IVSC Standards Review Board, together with the IVSC Business Valuation Board and the IVSC Tangible Assets Board (collectively the IVSC Technical Boards), have decided to publish an Agenda Consultation Invitation to Comment paper to consult with stakeholders and other interested parties on future topics to be included in any revisions to IVS.

The IVSC is committed to publishing an Agenda Consultation on a triennial basis as part of an open consultative standard setting-process. This edition provides an update on the previous Gap Analysis included in the IVS Agenda Consultation 2017 together with a summary of potential future topics in order to gain feedback on the valuation topics that stakeholders feel should be prioritised or added to the IVSC’s agenda.
The consultation process for this IVS Agenda Consultation is now open. Accordingly, the IVSC Technical Boards encourage participation within the 90 day consultation period ending 15 January 2021 from all individuals and organisations. As part of the IVSC’s commitment to a fully open and collaborative consultation process, all comments received as part of the consultation process will be published on the IVSC website and within the IVS Agenda Consultation Invitation to Comment 2020: Basis for Conclusions.
We look forward to your participation in the IVSC Agenda Consultation and incorporating the views and recommendations from practitioners, valuation professional organisations, academics, corporations and regulators, among others.
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The IVSC invites feedback on all matters in this Agenda Consultation by 15 January 2021. Please email comments to: comments@ivsc.org
Reference: Agenda Consultation
Click here to complete the online feedback form.