IVSC member organisations play a vital leadership role in the development, implementation, and promotion of the International Valuation Standards. They are dedicated to advancing valuation professionalism, which contributes to improved comparability, transparency, and trust in valuations globally.
Our membership is diverse in terms of geography and the way they interact with the valuation profession. The IVSC’s member network includes Valuation Professional Organisations (VPOs) and standard setters that are responsible for training, qualifying, and accrediting professionals. These key players ensure compliance with the highest industry standards and contribute to promoting transparency and trust in the field.
Additionally, we have firms that provide valuation professional services, regulators, and other statutory entities that oversee valuation and financial markets.
Academic institutions are also an important part of our membership, as they educate the valuation professionals of tomorrow. Furthermore, we work closely with end users who rely on quality, consistent, and comparable valuation information in their day-to-day operations.
Collectively, our member organisations champion the importance of adherence to International Valuation Standards and showcase their commitment to advancing valuation professionalism across the board.
Why become a member of the IVSC? Click here to find out more or email contact@ivsc.org