IVSC is pleased to announce the appointment of three new experts to its Financial Instruments Board (FIB). This addition to the board further strengthens the IVSC’s ability to oversee the development of standards and promote consistent and transparent financial instrument valuations globally.
Financial instruments, including securities, derivatives, and structured products, play a critical role in the global financial system and are present in almost every sector of the economy. Ensuring that valuations of these instruments are performed in a consistent and transparent manner is essential to enhance comparability, consistency, and confidence in financial markets.
The new appointees bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise in financial instruments and valuation. They are prominent in their areas of practice and include global leaders in financial modelling, securitization, banking, and investment management.
”We are delighted to welcome these highly respected international experts to the Financial Instruments Board. Their addition to the board brings a wealth of experience and knowledge that will further bolster the board's role in advancing the standards of financial instrument valuation and ensuring that the IVS remain the gold standard for valuation practices globally.
Thomas LeeChair, IVSC Financial Instruments Board

The new board members are: Harris Antoniades (Managing Director, Stout, United States), Timothy Deal (Principal, PwC, United States), and Andrew Ooi (South East Asia Valuation & Modelling Leader, Deloitte, Singapore). They will take up their roles on the FIB from 1 April 2023 on an initial three-year term.

Harris Antoniades

Andrew Ooi

Timothy Deal
The IVSC is committed to fostering the development of high-quality, transparent, and ethical valuation practices. The appointment of these new experts to the FIB is a testament to the IVSC’s continued commitment to this mission.
In April, the IVSC will publish an Exposure Draft outlining proposed updates to the International Valuation Standards. The consultation, which will run for 12-weeks, will seek feedback on changes including updates to ‘IVS 500 – Financial Instruments’ and new standards for ‘data and inputs’. An updated version of IVS is expected to be published in 2024.