In April, the IVSC’s standards boards will publish details of proposed updates to the International Valuation Standards (IVS).
The IVS are regularly updated to reflect changing market and practitioner needs, with the last update introduced in January 2022.
The proposed changes will be set out in an Exposure Draft which will go out for consultation over a twelve-week period. Anyone can respond to the consultation and the boards are eager to gather as much feedback as possible in order to ensure the standards reflect global best practices and are fit-for-purpose.
As part of the consultation programme the boards will host a series of three webinars in May, during which the proposed updates will be discussed in more detail. Anyone can register to join these webinars and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and hear from the experts that are responsible for writing the IVS.
The three webinars are being organised to give as many people as possible the opportunity to join, with one webinar timetabled to take place at midday in Singapore, another at 13:00 in London and the third at 13:00 in New York.
You can register to attend a webinar by selecting from the options below.
Our boards look forward to welcoming you and to updating you on the latest updates to IVS.
”The International Valuation Standards provide a globally agreed framework which underpins valuation across all geographies and asset types. It is vital that their evolution is informed by the many different stakeholders that are involved in the valuations process, as well as users of valuations. We are excited to share the latest proposed updates and look forward to gathering feedback as part of our consultation process.
Nick TalbotIVSC Chief Executive