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IVS to become freely available from January 2025

29 August 2024

Making the latest International Valuation Standards free will support implementation efforts

IVSC is pleased to announce that, from January 2025, the latest edition of the International Valuation Standards (IVS) will be freely accessible to the public in a digital format via the IVSC’s website. This change, which removes an existing paywall, coincides with the effective date of the newest edition of IVS and represents an important step in supporting the widespread adoption and implementation of these standards across global markets.

Supporting Accessibility and Implementation

The decision to make IVS publicly accessible reflects the IVSC’s commitment to promoting consistent valuation standards and enhancing their implementation worldwide. By providing free access to the most up-to-date standards, we aim to remove barriers and make it easier for valuation professionals, regulators, investors, and all other stakeholders to engage with and apply these standards in their work.

IVS serves as a global benchmark for valuation practices, ensuring consistency, transparency, and reliability. Making these standards more accessible is intended to encourage broader adoption and greater awareness, helping to strengthen the credibility and effectiveness of valuation practices globally.

Ongoing Benefits for Members and Sponsors

While the IVS will be freely available to the public, the IVSC will continue to offer unique benefits to our member and sponsor organisations. The subscription-based IVS Online platform will remain an important resource, providing access to a comprehensive archive of previous editions, translated documents, red-line versions, and thought leadership materials. This platform will continue to be available at no cost to sponsor organisations, and members will retain access to translated editions and supporting documents through the Members’ Portal.

These resources will ensure that our members and sponsors continue to have access to valuable tools and information, supporting their work and maintaining their engagement with the ongoing development of global valuation standards.

On the landing page for the free copy of IVS there will also be additional recognition of our sponsors and members, without who, the evolution and publication of IVS would not be possible.

Next Steps

As we approach January 2025, the IVSC will provide further details on the public launch of the latest IVS and the transition process. We are committed to ensuring that this change is managed smoothly and that our member and sponsor organisations are kept fully informed.

We believe that this approach will enhance the visibility and impact of the IVS while continuing to support our members and sponsors in their professional activities.

We believe that valuation standards are a cornerstone of transparency, consistency, and trust in global markets. By making the latest edition of the International Valuation Standards freely accessible to all from January 2025, we are taking a significant step towards broadening the adoption and implementation of these critical standards worldwide. This initiative underscores our commitment to removing barriers and ensuring that valuation professionals, regulators, investors, and all stakeholders have the tools they need to uphold best practices and drive excellence in their work. Our goal is to enhance the credibility and effectiveness of valuations globally, supporting the vital role they play in financial markets and beyond.

Nicholas TalbotChief Executive, IVSC
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of the IVSC, operating in 137 countries worldwide. Join them.

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There are more than 200 member organisations
of the IVSC, operating in 137 countries worldwide. Join them.

Become part of a global network working to enhance valuation standards and professionalism.