We are thrilled to be hosting this year’s International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Maison de la Chimie, situated in the heart of Paris, from 9-11 October.
The IVSC AGM is a key annual event, uniting the IVSC’s boards, working groups, trustees, and member organisations from around the world. Over the course of the three-day program, participants will explore notable trends in valuation and examine the development of international standards. The schedule includes discussions conducted by the IVSC’s Technical Standards and Membership Boards and facilitates collaboration among IVSC members through the Advisory Forum.
This year, we have the privilege of holding our AGM in Paris, a city renowned for its contribution to global dialogues. We extend our appreciation to the Conseil National de l’Ordre des Experts-Comptables (CNOEC) and the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC) for hosting this event and to HypZert and Taqeem for their sponsorship.
We look forward to engaging in productive discussions and gaining valuable insights during the AGM.
”The IVSC AGM is a great opportunity to showcase leadership and collaboration across the global valuation profession.
Nick TalbotIVSC Chief Executive
AGM 2023 Programme
Monday’s programme begins with closed meetings for the IVSC’s SRB, AFWG and MSRC. After lunch, the Advisory Forum of representatives from IVSC member organisations will convene to focus on key trends shaping the future of valuation and the valuation profession. The day’s meetings will conclude at 17:30.
- Standards Review Board (board members only)
- Advisory Forum Working Group (board members only)
- Membership & Standards Recognition Committee (committee members only)
- Standards Review Board (board members only)
- Membership & Standards Recognition Committee (committee members only)
- Advisory Forum (representatives of IVSC member organisations)
- 13:30 – Considering the Future of the Valuation Profession
- 15:30 – Building Recognition for the Valuation Profession
Tuesday’s programme includes a number of closed IVSC board and committee meetings. Members of the Advisory Forum of IVSC member organisations, along with other AGM delegates, are invited to join a local walking tour in the morning (09:30), followed by participation in CNCC-CNOEC Valuation Conference 2023. This includes English-language sessions at 11:45, 14:30 and 15:30. Conference attendees are invited to join a lunch at 13:15. The conference and IVSC board/committee meetings will conclude at 17:30. In the evening, all AGM delegates are invited to join the AGM dinner, aboard Le Capitaine Fracasse, on the River Seine.
- Rodin Gardens Walking Tour (09:00-11:00, open to all AGM delegates)
- IVSC Board of Trustees (board members only)
- Standards Review Board (board members only)
- Europe Committee (committee members only)
- Tangible Asset Board (board members only)
- Business Valuation Board (board members only)
- Advisory Forum / National Valuation Conference (AGM delegates)
- 11:45 (Room 4a) – Evolution of the International Valuation Standards
- IVSC Board of Trustees (board members only)
- Europe Committee (committee members only)
- Tangible Asset Board (board members only)
- Business Valuation Board (board members only)
- Advisory Forum / National Valuation Conference (AGM delegates)
- 14:30 (Main Theatre) – Plenary: ‘After the Crisis: The Place of Value in a New Global Environment‘
- 15:30 (Room 1a) – Intangible Assets
- AGM Dinner, Le Capitaine Fracasse (AGM delegates)
The concluding day of the AGM will see several IVSC boards meeting, as well as the Advisory Forum of representatives from IVSC member organisations. The Advisory Forum will meet from 09:00 for an update from the IVSC Chief Executive, followed by discussions on Prudential Valuation, ESG, and standards developments. The formal AGM session takes place from midday and the AGM concludes at 13:30.
- Advisory Forum (representatives of IVSC member organisations)
- 09:00 – Update from IVSC Chief Executive
- 09:30 – Discussion: Prudential Value
- 10:00 – ESG and Valuation
- 11:30 – Update from IVSC Standards Review Board
- Business Valuation Board (board members only)
- Tangible Assets Board (board members only)
- Advisory Forum (representatives of IVSC member organisations)
- IVSC AGM (open to all AGM attendees)
- Tangible Assets Board (board members only)
- 13:30 Close
AGM sponsors
The IVSC is grateful to our sponsors for their support in making the 2022 AGM possible.
Maison de le Chimie
28 Rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris, France