We set high-level, principles-based standards which bring confidence to valuation.
Welcome to the IVSC
The International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) is the independent global standard setter for the valuation profession.
We set International Valuation Standards which promote consistency and professionalism in the public interest.
Keep readingWe set high-level, principles-based standards which bring confidence to valuation.
IVS are written by volunteer boards of leading international experts.
IVS are developed in an open and transparent way through public consultation.
IVSC member organisations are part of the largest global network of valuation stakeholders.
We lead and facilitate debate on the major topics shaping the valuation profession.
Sponsor organisations support our work as a not-for-profit, public interest organisation.
Complete the registration form to access your free PDF copy of the latest International Valuation Standards (IVS).
Worldwide reach
The International Valuation Standards (IVS) are used as a framework for valuation in markets throughout the world and by valuation professionals in more than 100 countries. IVS bring consistency, comparability and transparency to valuations of all assets and liabilities.
Global network
IVSC sponsors and members are part of a global network of organisations working together to enhance valuation through internationally-agreed standards and professionalism.
Become part of a global network working to enhance valuation standards and professionalism.
IVSC Asia leads efforts to promote and advance International Valuation Standards and professionalism across the Asia region.
Become part of a global network working to enhance valuation standards and professionalism.